chose one correct answer How does strip mining impact the environment?(1 point)


It strips oxygen from the air.
It strips oxygen from the air.

It strips gemstones from deep underground.
It strips gemstones from deep underground.

It strips trees and soil from the earth’s surface.
It strips trees and soil from the earth’s surface.

It strips fish and salt from the oceans.

It strips trees and soil from the earth’s surface.

The correct answer is: It strips trees and soil from the earth’s surface.

The correct answer is: "It strips trees and soil from the earth's surface."

Strip mining refers to a method of mining where large-scale excavation is done to extract mineral deposits from the Earth's surface. This process involves removing layers of soil and rocks, including vegetation and topsoil, to reach the mineral resources underneath.

By stripping away trees and soil from the earth's surface, strip mining has a significant negative impact on the environment. Here's why:

1. Loss of vegetation and habitat: Strip mining destroys forests and vegetation cover, leading to the loss of essential habitats for various plant and animal species. This can disrupt the balance of ecosystems and cause a decline in biodiversity.

2. Soil erosion: The removal of topsoil during strip mining exposes the underlying soil to erosion by wind and water. Without the protective layer of vegetation, the soil becomes vulnerable to erosion, leading to reduced fertility and potential desertification.

3. Water pollution: Strip mining can contaminate nearby water sources through the discharge of sediment, chemicals, and heavy metals from the mining process. This pollution can have detrimental effects on aquatic ecosystems, including fish and other aquatic life.

4. Altered hydrology: The extensive excavation involved in strip mining alters the natural flow patterns of water. This can disrupt groundwater levels, water tables, and streamflow, leading to further environmental imbalances.

In summary, strip mining has a detrimental impact on the environment by stripping away trees and soil from the earth's surface, leading to deforestation, soil erosion, water pollution, and disrupted hydrology.