If a story presents a problem a strong conclusion provides a

resolution or solution to that problem. It ties up loose ends and provides closure for the reader. A strong conclusion also leaves the reader with a satisfying feeling and a sense of completion. It may also offer a moral or lesson learned from the story. Overall, a strong conclusion wraps up the story in a way that leaves the reader satisfied and fulfilled.

resolution to the problem and ties up loose ends. A strong conclusion in a story should effectively conclude the narrative arc, and leave the reader with a sense of closure and satisfaction. It should answer any remaining questions or conflicts that have been introduced throughout the story. A strong conclusion can also leave room for a sense of reflection or a deeper understanding of the themes or messages of the story. Ultimately, a strong conclusion helps to solidify and complete the story, leaving the reader with a lasting impression.

resolution or solution to that problem. A strong conclusion ties up any loose ends, resolves conflicts, and provides a sense of closure to the story. It gives readers a sense of satisfaction and helps them understand the overall message or purpose of the story.

To create a strong conclusion in a story, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the main problem or conflict in the story: Understand what the central issue is that needs to be resolved. This could be a physical problem, an emotional struggle, or a moral dilemma.

2. Develop the plot towards the resolution: Throughout the story, build tension and anticipation towards the resolution. Show how the characters are working towards resolving the problem, and create obstacles and setbacks that they need to overcome.

3. Build towards a climactic moment: As the story progresses, create a turning point or a moment of intense conflict where the resolution seems uncertain. This adds suspense and engages the reader.

4. Resolve the main problem: In the conclusion, provide a satisfying resolution to the main problem or conflict. This could involve the protagonist(s) finding a solution, making a decision, or learning a valuable lesson that resolves the issue.

5. Show the effects of the resolution: After the main problem is resolved, reveal the aftermath and demonstrate how the resolution has impacted the characters and their world. This could involve showing a positive change, lessons learned, or the characters moving forward in a new direction.

By following these steps, you can craft a strong conclusion that leaves your readers feeling satisfied and fulfilled.