Question 13: In Colombia, _________. (1 point)


children are required to go to school until they are about 14
children are required to go to school until they are about 14

children are required to go to school until they are about 18
children are required to go to school until they are about 18

children are not required to go to school
children are not required to go to school

children are required to go to school until they are 9

children are required to go to school until they are about 14

To answer this question, we need to find information about the education system in Colombia. One way to do this is by conducting a search using a reliable search engine such as Google. Let's search for "education system in Colombia" to gather information about the requirements regarding school attendance for children.

Upon conducting the search, we can find various sources that provide information about education in Colombia. These sources include government websites, educational institutions, or reputable news articles. It is important to ensure that the sources are reliable and trustworthy.

By examining the information provided by these sources, we can find the answer to the question. In this case, the correct answer is:

"children are required to go to school until they are about 14"

It is important to note that the specific age requirement may vary slightly based on the region or education policies within Colombia. However, the general consensus is that children are required to attend school until they are around 14 years old.

Remember, when answering multiple-choice questions, it is crucial to carefully read all the options and consider which one aligns with the information gathered through research.

In Colombia, children are required to go to school until they are about 14.