5 of 55 of 5 Items

Determine if one, both, or neither of the following is a proportion. 168=?2412 , 84=?126 (1 point)

Neither is a proportion.
Neither is a proportion.

168=2412 only
Start Fraction 16 over 8 End Fraction equals Start Fraction 24 over 12 End Fraction only

168=2412, 84=126
Start Fraction 16 over 8 End Fraction equals Start Fraction 24 over 12 End Fraction , Start Fraction 8 over 4 End Fraction equals Start Fraction 12 over 6 End Fraction

84=126 only

Neither is a proportion.

To determine if the given equations are a proportion or not, we need to check if the ratios on both sides of the equation are equivalent.

The first equation is 168 = 24/12. To simplify this, we divide both the numerator and denominator of the fraction by their common factor, which is 12. So, we get 16/8 = 2/1, which does not result in an equivalent ratio. Therefore, the first equation, 168 = 24/12, is not a proportion.

The second equation is 84 = 12/6. Again, we simplify by dividing both the numerator and denominator of the fraction by their common factor, which is 6. This gives us 8/4 = 2/1, which does result in an equivalent ratio. Therefore, the second equation, 84 = 12/6, is a proportion.

So, out of the given equations, only the second equation, 84 = 12/6, is a proportion.

To determine if one, both, or neither of the given equations is a proportion, we can simplify the fractions and compare them.

Equation 1: 168 = 24/12
To simplify the left side, divide both sides by 5: 168/5 = 24/12
The simplified equation becomes: 33.6 = 2

Equation 2: 84 = 12/6
To simplify the left side, divide both sides by 5: 84/5 = 12/6
The simplified equation becomes: 16.8 = 2

Based on the simplifications, neither of the equations is a proportion.