The list below is steps leading to a historical event. Which event completes the diagram?

1. Colonial Indpendence
3. Shay's Rebellion
4. Consitutional Convention
A. Declaration of Independence
B. Constitution
C. Whiskey Rebellion
D. Articles of Confederation

B. Constitution

The correct answer is B. Constitution.

To determine which event completes the diagram, we need to understand the chronological order of these historical events.

1. Colonial Independence
2. ?
3. Shay's Rebellion
4. Constitutional Convention

First, let's identify the events that form the context of the American Revolutionary War and the formation of the United States government.

- The Declaration of Independence (option A) announced and formalized the American colonies' decision to separate from British rule. This event occurred on July 4, 1776.
- The Articles of Confederation (option D) were a precursor to the Constitution and served as the first governing document of the United States. They were approved in 1781.

Now, let's look at the remaining options:

- The Whiskey Rebellion (option C) occurred in 1791, well after the formation of the United States government. This event involved a protest against a tax on whiskey imposed by the federal government and does not fit chronologically.
- The Constitution (option B) was written and ratified in 1787, which puts it within the timeframe of the other events listed in the diagram. The Constitutional Convention (option 4) refers to the meeting held between May and September 1787 in Philadelphia, where the delegates drafted and debated the Constitution. This event led to the creation of a stronger federal government and the establishment of the United States' governmental structure.

Therefore, the correct answer to complete the diagram is option B: Constitution.