Which of the following topics is best organized with a compare/contrast structure?(1 point)


what modern art is

traditional education versus remote learning

types of sports fans

the reasons the Cold War began and ended

The topic that is best organized with a compare/contrast structure is "traditional education versus remote learning."

The topic that is best organized with a compare/contrast structure is traditional education versus remote learning.

To determine the best option, we need to understand what a compare/contrast structure entails. A compare/contrast structure is used when you want to discuss the similarities and differences between two or more subjects or ideas.

In the case of the options provided, "traditional education versus remote learning" is the most suitable for a compare/contrast structure because it involves examining the similarities and differences between these two methods of learning. You can compare and contrast factors such as the learning environment, interaction with instructors and peers, flexibility, and effectiveness.

To organize your essay or presentation using a compare/contrast structure, you would typically start by introducing both traditional education and remote learning, highlighting their basic characteristics. Then, you can choose specific aspects to compare and contrast, providing examples, evidence, and arguments to support your points.

Remember to present balanced information about both traditional education and remote learning, and to provide a clear conclusion that synthesizes your findings and highlights any implications or recommendations based on your analysis.

The topic that is best organized with a compare/contrast structure is "traditional education versus remote learning."