Cancer is the result of

CRISPR is Revolutionizing Cancer Research

Cells which create working tissues
Uncontrolled cell division
Cells which grow normally but no longer function correctly
Cells which have lost the ability to reproduce

b. Uncontrolled cell division

Cancer is the result of uncontrolled cell division (b). Normally, cells in our body divide and grow in a regulated manner to form tissues and perform specific functions. However, in cancer, there is a disruption in this regulation, leading to the uncontrollable division and growth of cells. These cells can continue to divide and accumulate, forming a mass of abnormal tissue known as a tumor.

The correct answer is b) Uncontrolled cell division.

Cancer is a disease that occurs when there is uncontrolled growth and division of cells in the body. It begins when a single cell undergoes a series of genetic changes, called mutations, that cause it to divide uncontrollably and form a mass of cells known as a tumor. These mutations can occur due to various factors, such as exposure to certain chemicals, radiation, certain viruses, or inherited gene mutations.

To answer this question, we can eliminate options a, c, and d based on their descriptions:

a) Cells which create working tissues: This option suggests that cancer occurs due to the cells that create working tissues. While the cells responsible for creating tissues can be affected by cancer, they are not the direct cause of cancer.

c) Cells which grow normally but no longer function correctly: This option describes cells that grow normally but lose their ability to function correctly. While this can be a consequence of cancer, it is not the root cause.

d) Cells which have lost the ability to reproduce: This option suggests that cancer occurs in cells that have lost the ability to reproduce. However, cancer cells actually divide rapidly, even though they may lose their ability to function normally.

Therefore, by the process of elimination, the correct answer is b) Uncontrolled cell division, as cancer is primarily characterized by the uncontrolled growth and division of cells.