Without external forces, the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell will have approximately ________ matching DNA sequences.(1 point)




Without external forces, the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell will have approximately 100% matching DNA sequences.

To determine the percentage of matching DNA sequences between the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell, we need to understand the process of bacterial reproduction through binary fission.

Bacterial reproduction occurs through a process called binary fission, where a parent bacterium divides into two daughter cells. Each daughter cell receives a copy of the original parent cell's DNA. This means that the two daughter cells will have identical DNA sequences, with a 100% match to the parent cell.

Now, let's consider the third generation of bacteria. In binary fission, each daughter cell can independently divide into two more daughter cells. So, if we start with the original parent cell, it will divide into two daughter cells in the first generation. Each of these two daughter cells will then divide into two more daughter cells in the second generation, resulting in a total of four cells. Finally, these four cells will divide into 8 cells in the third generation.

Since all divisions are independent, each of the eight cells in the third generation will have inherited the original parent cell's DNA without any changes. Therefore, the third generation of bacteria will have a 100% match in DNA sequences with the original parent cell.

In summary, the correct answer is 100%.