Effective Organization Quick Check

1 of 41 of 4 Items
What organizational strategy would be used to write an informative essay about why it is important to wear sunscreen? (1 point)






The organizational strategy that would be used to write an informative essay about why it is important to wear sunscreen is the cause/effect strategy.

To determine the organizational strategy that would be used to write an informative essay about why it is important to wear sunscreen, you need to understand the different options available for organizing an essay.

One common organizational strategy is definition. This would involve clearly defining and explaining what sunscreen is and why it is important.

Another option is cause/effect. In this approach, you would discuss the causes and effects of not wearing sunscreen, highlighting the negative consequences and emphasizing the importance of using sunscreen.

Classification is another organizational strategy. You could categorize different types of sunscreen, discuss their characteristics and benefits, and explain why using any type of sunscreen is important.

Finally, compare/contrast is a strategy that involves highlighting similarities and differences between wearing sunscreen and not wearing sunscreen. This approach allows you to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of wearing sunscreen.

So, to answer the question, the organizational strategy that would be used to write an informative essay about why it is important to wear sunscreen is the cause/effect strategy.