At the town picnic, 480 hot dogs and 320 hamburgers are barbequed. Find the maximum number of families that can attend if the hot dogs and hamburgers are divided equally for each family.(1 point)


80 families
80 families

40 families
40 families

120 families
120 families

160 families

To find the maximum number of families that can attend, we need to divide the total number of hot dogs and hamburgers by the number of each food item required per family.

Each family requires 1 hot dog and 1 hamburger, so the total number of families that can attend is given by the minimum of the number of hot dogs divided by 1 and the number of hamburgers divided by 1.

Number of families = min(Number of hot dogs / 1, Number of hamburgers / 1)
= min(480 / 1, 320 / 1)
= min(480, 320)
= 320

Therefore, the maximum number of families that can attend is 320.

To find the maximum number of families that can attend the picnic, we first need to determine how many hot dogs and hamburgers each family will receive.

To do this, we divide the total number of hot dogs (480) by the number of families. Similarly, we divide the total number of hamburgers (320) by the number of families.

By dividing 480 by the number of families, we can check which option gives us an equal number of hot dogs per family. In this case, only one option (80 families) results in an equal distribution of hot dogs.

Similarly, by dividing 320 by the number of families, we can check which option gives us an equal number of hamburgers per family. Again, only one option (80 families) results in an equal distribution of hamburgers.

Therefore, the maximum number of families that can attend the picnic while dividing the hot dogs and hamburgers equally is 80 families.

To find the maximum number of families that can attend the picnic, we need to divide the total number of hot dogs and hamburgers by the number of each item that each family can have.

The total number of hot dogs and hamburgers is 480 + 320 = 800.

If each family can have an equal number of hot dogs and hamburgers, then they can have a total of 2 items.

Dividing 800 by 2, we get 800 / 2 = 400.

Therefore, the maximum number of families that can attend the picnic is 400 families.