A road sign is in the shape of a regular heptagon. What is the measure of each angle on the sign? Round to the nearest tenth.

(1 point)

128.6 o

900 o

64.3 o


The measure of each angle on the sign can be found by dividing the sum of angles in a heptagon (900 degrees) by the number of angles (7):

900 degrees / 7 angles = 128.6 degrees

Therefore, the measure of each angle on the sign is 128.6 degrees.

To find the measure of each angle on a regular heptagon road sign, you need to know the formula for finding the measure of the interior angle of a regular polygon. The formula is:

Interior angle = (n-2) * 180 / n

Where "n" is the number of sides of the polygon. In this case, since we have a heptagon (a polygon with 7 sides), we can substitute the value of "n" into the formula:

Interior angle = (7-2) * 180 / 7


Interior angle = 5 * 180 / 7

Using a calculator to perform the calculations, the result is approximately 128.6 degrees.

Therefore, the measure of each angle on the road sign is approximately 128.6 degrees.

To find the measure of each angle on a regular heptagon, we can use the formula:

Measure of each angle = (180 * (n-2)) / n

In this case, since a heptagon has 7 sides (n = 7), we can substitute this value into the formula:

Measure of each angle = (180 * (7-2)) / 7

Simplifying this equation, we get:

Measure of each angle = (180 * 5) / 7

Measure of each angle ≈ 128.6 degrees.

Therefore, the correct answer is 128.6o.