whic of the following statements would describe one srenght of the articles of conferderation?

the confederational congress could pass taxes
the federal court system handeled all judicial matters
any law passed by the cofederational congress would override state laws
the lack of an excecutive branch minimized the abuse of power

the lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power

The statement that describes one strength of the Articles of Confederation is: "The lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power."

The statement that would describe one strength of the Articles of Confederation is "the lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power."

To arrive at this answer, let's examine each of the four statements:

1. "The Confederational Congress could pass taxes": This statement describes a weakness of the Articles of Confederation. Under the Articles, the federal government did not have the power to levy taxes, which made it challenging to raise revenue for essential functions.

2. "The federal court system handled all judicial matters": This statement is also incorrect. The Articles of Confederation did not establish a federal court system capable of handling all judicial matters.

3. "Any law passed by the Confederational Congress would override state laws": This statement is not a strength of the Articles of Confederation. In fact, it was a significant flaw. The Articles gave too much power to the states, which often led to conflicts between state and federal laws.

4. "The lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power": This statement correctly describes one of the strengths of the Articles of Confederation. The absence of an executive branch meant that there was no single authority figure with excessive power. This was seen as a positive aspect, as it prevented the concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals.

Therefore, the statement that accurately describes one strength of the Articles of Confederation is "the lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power."