12 of 1912 of 19 Items


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Which statement describes the mapping?
A The mapping represents y as a function of x, because each y-value corresponds to exactly one x-value.The mapping represents y as a function of x , because each y -value corresponds to exactly one x -value.
B The mapping represents y as a function of x, because each x-value corresponds to exactly one y-value.The mapping represents y as a function of x , because each x -value corresponds to exactly one y -value.
C The mapping does not represent y as a function of x, because two of the x-values correspond to the same y-value.The mapping does not represent y as a function of x , because two of the x -values correspond to the same y -value.
D The mapping does not represent y as a function of x, because there are more x-values than different corresponding y-values.

The answer is C.

The correct statement that describes the mapping is:

B) The mapping represents y as a function of x, because each x-value corresponds to exactly one y-value.

To determine which statement describes the mapping of 12 of 19 to 18:42, we need to understand what a function is and examine the given information.

A function is a mathematical relationship between two sets of values, where each input value (x) is mapped to a unique output value (y). In other words, each x-value corresponds to exactly one y-value.

Looking at the given information, we have 12 of 19 items. This could represent a fraction or a ratio. And we also have 18:42, which represents a time in hours and minutes.

To determine if the mapping represents y as a function of x, we need to check if each x-value corresponds to exactly one y-value or if there are any repetitions.

Since we have 12 of 19 items, the x-values are 12 and 19. And since we have 18:42 as the y-value, there is no repetition or ambiguity in the mapping. Therefore, each x-value corresponds to exactly one y-value, indicating that y is a function of x.

Based on this analysis, the correct statement that describes the mapping is:

A. The mapping represents y as a function of x because each y-value corresponds to exactly one x-value.