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Salary in Company 1
Hours Worked (x) Dollars Earned (y)
5 112.50
10 185
15 257.50
20 330

Amy is applying for a job in two companies. The given table shows the salary in dollars (y) that Company 1 is offering if she works x hours. Company 2 is offering $12.50 per hour plus a bonus of $80. If she plans to work 40 hours each week, in which company will she earn more money in a week and by how much more?
A She will earn $20 more in Company 1.She will earn $20 more in Company 1.
B She will earn $40 more in Company 1.She will earn $40 more in Company 1.
C She will earn $20 more in Company 2.She will earn $20 more in Company 2.
D She will earn $40 more in Company 2.

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Salary in Company 1
Hours Worked (x) Dollars Earned (y)
5 112.50
10 185
15 257.50
20 330

Amy is applying for a job in two companies. The given table shows the salary in dollars (y) that Company 1 is offering if she works x hours. Company 2 is offering $12.50 per hour plus a bonus of $80. If she plans to work 40 hours each week, in which company will she earn more money in a week and by how much more?
A She will earn $20 more in Company 1.She will earn $20 more in Company 1.
B She will earn $40 more in Company 1.She will earn $40 more in Company 1.
C She will earn $20 more in Company 2.She will earn $20 more in Company 2.
D She will earn $40 more in Company 2.

To find out which company Amy will earn more money in a week, we need to compare the total earnings for each company.

In Company 1, Amy will earn $112.50 for 5 hours, $185 for 10 hours, $257.50 for 15 hours, and $330 for 20 hours. To find out how much she will earn for 40 hours, we can calculate the average earnings per hour:

Average earnings per hour = Total earnings / Total hours
= ($112.50 + $185 + $257.50 + $330) / 20
= $885 / 20
= $44.25 per hour

Therefore, in Company 1, Amy will earn:
$44.25 * 40 = $1770

In Company 2, Amy will earn $12.50 per hour plus a bonus of $80. So for 40 hours, her earnings will be:
$12.50 * 40 + $80 = $500 + $80 = $580

Therefore, Amy will earn $1770 in Company 1 and $580 in Company 2.

To find out how much more she will earn in Company 1, we can subtract the earnings in Company 2 from the earnings in Company 1:
$1770 - $580 = $1190.

So, Amy will earn $1190 more in Company 1 compared to Company 2.

Answer: Amy will earn $1190 more in Company 1.

To determine in which company Amy will earn more money in a week and by how much more, we can calculate the total earnings for each company.

For Company 1:
The table shows the salary in dollars (y) if Amy works x hours. Since Amy plans to work 40 hours each week, we can interpolate the earnings for 40 hours in Company 1.

Using the given table:
For x = 15, y = 257.50
For x = 20, y = 330

For 40 hours, we can find the approximate earnings:
((40 - 15) / (20 - 15)) * (330 - 257.50) + 257.50
(25 / 5) * (330 - 257.50) + 257.50
(5) * (330 - 257.50) + 257.50
(5) * (72.50) + 257.50
362.50 + 257.50

So, Amy will earn $620 in Company 1 if she works 40 hours per week.

For Company 2:
Amy will earn $12.50 per hour plus a bonus of $80. Since she plans to work 40 hours each week, we can calculate her earnings for Company 2 as follows:

Earnings per hour: $12.50
Hours worked: 40
Bonus: $80

Total earnings = (Earnings per hour * Hours worked) + Bonus
Total earnings = ($12.50 * 40) + $80
Total earnings = $500 + $80
Total earnings = $580

So, Amy will earn $580 in Company 2 if she works 40 hours per week.

To compare the two earnings, we subtract the earnings in Company 2 from the earnings in Company 1:

Earnings in Company 1 - Earnings in Company 2 = $620 - $580 = $40

Therefore, Amy will earn $40 more in Company 1 compared to Company 2.

The correct answer is B. She will earn $40 more in Company 1.

To determine which company Amy will earn more money in a week, we need to calculate her earnings in each company for working 40 hours.

In Company 1, we can see from the given table that the salary increases by $72.50 for every 5 additional hours worked. Since Amy plans to work 40 hours, we can calculate her earnings in Company 1 as follows:

Earnings in Company 1 = Dollars Earned (y) for 15 hours + (5/15) * Dollars Earned (y) for 20 hours
= $257.50 + (5/15) * $330
= $257.50 + $110
= $367.50

In Company 2, Amy will earn $12.50 per hour plus a bonus of $80. So her earnings in Company 2 for 40 hours can be calculated as:

Earnings in Company 2 = $12.50 * 40 + $80
= $500 + $80
= $580

Comparing the earnings in both companies, we find that Amy will earn $580 in Company 2 and $367.50 in Company 1.

Therefore, Amy will earn $580 - $367.50 = $212.50 more in Company 2.

So the correct answer is:
D-She will earn $40 more in Company 2.