Gentry is writing a report about the popularity of the community boxing club for youth. He includes information about one boy who is described as pugnacious. Which reference would help Gentry understand the description of the athlete?



The reference that would help Gentry understand the description of the athlete is a dictionary.

To understand the description of the athlete, Gentry should refer to a **dictionary**.

A dictionary provides definitions and explanations of words, including their various meanings and connotations. In this case, Gentry can use a dictionary to look up the word "pugnacious" and understand its specific definition and how it applies to the athlete.

Here are the steps Gentry can follow to use a dictionary effectively:

1. Open a print or online dictionary.
2. Look up the word "pugnacious" in the dictionary's alphabetical order.
3. Read the definition of "pugnacious" provided by the dictionary.
4. Take note of any synonyms or related words mentioned in the entry, as they can provide additional insight into the athlete's description.

By referring to a dictionary, Gentry will gain a clearer understanding of the meaning and implications of the word "pugnacious" in relation to the athlete he is writing about.