In a information text, which is an author's point of view?

1. The exact vocabulary an author uses to convey information
2. The reason an author writes a text
3. The way an author feels about the topic of the text
4. The narrator of a text

The correct answer is 3. The way an author feels about the topic of the text.

The author's point of view refers to their perspective or attitude towards the topic they are writing about. The points 1, 2, and 3 all relate to aspects of the author's point of view. Option 1, "The exact vocabulary an author uses to convey information," can provide insight into the author's tone or opinion. Option 2, "The reason an author writes a text," can reveal the author's purpose or agenda. Option 3, "The way an author feels about the topic of the text," indicates the author's emotional stance towards the subject matter. However, option 4, "The narrator of a text," is not synonymous with the author's point of view. The narrator is the character or voice that presents the story to the reader, which may or may not align with the author's perspective.

In an informational text, the author's point of view refers to their perspective or opinion on the topic being discussed. It involves their unique interpretation, stance, or belief about the subject matter. To determine the author's point of view, you can consider several factors:

1. The exact vocabulary an author uses to convey information: Look at the specific words, language, and tone the author uses. Certain words or phrases may reveal their attitude, bias, or perspective on the topic.

2. The reason an author writes a text: Consider why the author chose to write about the topic. Their motivation or purpose behind the text can give insight into their point of view.

3. The way an author feels about the topic of the text: Pay attention to any emotions, opinions, or judgments expressed by the author throughout the text. Look for statements or evidence that reveal their personal position or feelings about the subject matter.

4. The narrator of a text: In some cases, an author may use a narrator or persona to tell the story or convey information. It's important to distinguish between the voice of the author and the voice of the narrator. The narrator's perspective may not necessarily reflect the author's point of view.

To analyze and understand the author's point of view, it's crucial to read and critically evaluate the text, considering all the elements mentioned above.