What are audit related services? List the major categories (except for consulting) of auditor 's services.

Audit related services are services provided by auditors to ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial statements and other information. The major categories of auditor's services (except for consulting) include:

1. External Audits: These are independent evaluations of a company's financial statements and accounting practices to provide assurance on their accuracy and compliance with accounting standards.

2. Internal Audits: Internal auditors review and assess an organization's internal controls, risk management processes, and operational efficiency to provide recommendations for improvement and risk mitigation.

3. Compliance Audits: Compliance auditors ensure that an organization is adhering to relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. This includes assessing compliance with tax regulations, industry-specific regulations, and internal policies.

4. Forensic Audits: Forensic auditors investigate financial irregularities, fraudulent activities, and legal disputes. They gather evidence, analyze financial records, and provide expert testimony in legal proceedings.

5. IT Audits: IT auditors evaluate an organization's information technology systems, infrastructure, and processes to ensure data security, privacy, and integrity. They assess the effectiveness of internal controls and identify vulnerabilities and risks.

6. Performance Audits: Performance auditors assess the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization's operations, governance structure, and strategy. This may include evaluating the achievement of organizational goals, analyzing performance indicators, and making recommendations for improvement.

7. Agreed-Upon Procedures: In agreed-upon procedures engagements, auditors perform specific procedures on financial information or internal controls, as agreed upon with the client. The findings are then provided to the client for their use.

8. Reviews: Reviews involve a less extensive examination of financial statements compared to audits. The purpose is to determine if the financial statements are plausible and in line with relevant accounting standards.

9. Compilation of Financial Statements: In this service, the auditor assists in preparing financial statements based on information provided by the client. However, this service does not provide assurance on the accuracy or compliance of the financial statements.

10. Specialized Audits: Specialized audits may include specific audits focused on areas such as environmental sustainability, healthcare compliance, government grants, or not-for-profit organizations. These audits require specialized knowledge and expertise in the respective field.

Audit-related services are professional services offered by auditors that are closely related to the traditional audit function. These services typically support the objective of providing assurance or enhancing the quality of financial reporting.

The major categories of auditor's services, excluding consulting, are as follows:

1. Financial statement audit: This is the core service provided by auditors. It involves the examination of an entity's financial statements and related disclosures to express an opinion on their fairness, presentation, and compliance with applicable financial reporting standards.

2. Review engagement: A review engagement involves performing procedures that provide a moderate level of assurance on an entity's financial statements. The objective is to obtain limited assurance that no material modifications should be made to the statements for them to be in conformity with applicable financial reporting standards.

3. Agreed-upon procedures: In this type of engagement, the auditor performs specific procedures agreed upon with the client, which could be focused on a particular aspect of financial information or non-financial information.

4. Compliance audit: Compliance audits involve evaluating an entity's adherence to specific laws, regulations, or contractual requirements. The objective is to determine the extent of compliance and identify any instances of non-compliance.

5. Internal control assessment: Auditors may provide services related to the evaluation and assessment of an entity's internal controls over financial reporting. This involves reviewing the design and operating effectiveness of internal controls and providing recommendations for improvement.

6. Compilation engagement: A compilation engagement involves assisting management in the preparation of financial statements without providing any form of assurance. The focus is on presenting financial information in the appropriate format and ensuring mathematical accuracy.

7. Other assurance services: Auditors may provide other assurance services, such as examination of prospective financial information, comfort letters, and assurance on sustainability reports or other non-financial information.

It is important to note that the provision of non-audit services by auditors is subject to regulations and restrictions to ensure independence and objectivity. Consulting services, which are excluded from the major categories listed above, involve the provision of advice, recommendations, or implementation support to clients on various matters unrelated to the audit function.

Audit-related services refer to a range of services that auditors can provide to clients, apart from their primary role of performing financial statement audits. These services help organizations improve their financial reporting processes, enhance internal control systems, and manage risks more effectively.

Major categories of auditor's services, excluding consulting, include:

1. Assurance Services: These services provide independent opinions on various matters, ensuring reliability and credibility. Examples include:

- Compliance Audits: Evaluating an organization's adherence to laws, regulations, and internal policies.
- Operational Audits: Assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations.
- Forensic Audits: Investigating and detecting financial fraud and misconduct.

2. Internal Control Testing: Auditors can help organizations evaluate and strengthen their internal control systems to prevent fraud, errors, and inefficiencies. This includes:

- Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Compliance Services: Assisting organizations to comply with the requirements of the SOX Act, including internal control testing and documentation.
- Internal Control Review: Assessing the design and effectiveness of internal controls to identify potential weaknesses and recommend improvements.

3. Risk Management Services: Auditors can assist organizations in identifying, analyzing, and managing their risks effectively. This includes:

- Risk Assessments: Evaluating an organization's risk profile and helping to develop strategies to mitigate and manage risks.
- Business Continuity Planning: Assisting in the development of plans to ensure business operations can continue in the event of disruptions like natural disasters or cyber-attacks.

4. IT Audit Services: With the increasing reliance on technology, auditors help organizations assess the efficiency, security, and integrity of their information systems. This includes:

- IT General Controls Review: Evaluating the overall IT control environment of an organization to ensure sufficient controls are in place.
- Data Privacy and Security Assessments: Reviewing an organization's data privacy policies and security measures to identify vulnerabilities and suggest improvements.

5. Compliance and Regulatory Advisory: Auditors can also provide guidance on complying with specific industry regulations and standards, such as:

- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP): Assisting organizations in understanding and implementing accounting standards.
- Industry-Specific Regulations: Providing advice and assurance related to sector-specific regulations, safeguarding against non-compliance risks.

It's important to note that the availability of these services may depend on local regulations, the auditor's expertise, and the specific needs of the client.