A storage firm uses crates which are 0,5 m long, 0,5 m wide and 0,5 m high. How many of these crates can be packed into a 6 m by 4 m by 2 m space?

To calculate the number of crates that can be packed into the given space, we need to find the volume of the space and divide it by the volume of each crate.

The volume of the space is 6 m by 4 m by 2 m, so it is 6 * 4 * 2 = 48 cubic meters.

The volume of each crate is 0.5 m by 0.5 m by 0.5 m, so it is 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.125 cubic meters.

Therefore, the number of crates that can be packed into the space is 48 / 0.125 = <<48/0.125=384>>384. Answer: \boxed{384}.

To determine how many crates can be packed into a given space, we need to calculate the volume of both the crates and the available space and then divide the volume of the space by the volume of a single crate.

The volume of a crate can be calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height:

Volume of crate = 0.5 m * 0.5 m * 0.5 m = 0.125 m³

Now, let's calculate the volume of the available space:

Volume of space = 6 m * 4 m * 2 m = 48 m³

To find the number of crates that can fit into the space, we divide the volume of the space by the volume of each crate:

Number of crates = Volume of space / Volume of crate
= 48 m³ / 0.125 m³
= 384 crates

Therefore, you can pack 384 of these crates into a 6 m by 4 m by 2 m space.

To find out how many crates can be packed into the given space, you need to calculate the volume of the space and then divide it by the volume of each crate.

The volume of the space is given by the formula:

Volume of space = length × width × height

Length = 6 m
Width = 4 m
Height = 2 m

Volume of space = 6 m × 4 m × 2 m

Now let's calculate the volume of the space:

Volume of space = 48 m³

Now, let's calculate the volume of one crate:

Volume of one crate = length × width × height
= 0.5 m × 0.5 m × 0.5 m
= 0.125 m³

Finally, let's calculate how many crates can be packed into the space:

Number of crates = Volume of space / Volume of one crate
= 48 m³ / 0.125 m³
= 384 crates

Therefore, 384 crates can be packed into a 6 m by 4 m by 2 m space.