Every bill which shall passed the House of Representatives and the senate shall before it become a law be presented to the president of the United States if he approve he shall sign it but if not he she’ll return it. Which principle of the constitution is being demonstrated by his passage

The principle of the constitution being demonstrated by this passage is the system of checks and balances. This provision ensures that the President's power is limited and that they must approve and sign a bill in order for it to become a law. Additionally, if the President does not approve of a bill, they have the ability to return it to Congress for further consideration. This creates a system of checks and balances between the branches of government, ensuring that no one branch has unchecked power.

The principle of the Constitution being demonstrated by this passage is the "separation of powers." This principle ensures that the power to make, pass, and sign laws is distributed among different branches of government - in this case, the legislative branch (House of Representatives and Senate) and the executive branch (President of the United States).

The principle of the Constitution being demonstrated by the passage you mentioned is known as the "Separation of Powers."

To understand how this principle is demonstrated, let's break it down:

1. The Constitution separates the powers of the national government into three separate branches: the legislative branch (Congress), the executive branch (President), and the judicial branch (Supreme Court).

2. Under this principle, Congress is responsible for making laws. In the case of bills, they need to be passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate before they can become laws.

3. Once a bill is passed by both chambers of Congress, it needs to be presented to the President, who is part of the executive branch.

4. The President has two options: to either approve and sign the bill or to veto it (reject it).

5. If the President approves the bill and signs it, it becomes a law. The executive branch's role is to enforce the laws.

6. However, if the President does not approve the bill, they have the power to return it, which is known as a veto. This allows the President to express their disagreement with the proposed law and prevent it from becoming a law.

So, the passage you mentioned demonstrates the separation of powers as it involves the interaction between the legislative branch (Congress) and the executive branch (President), where each branch has distinct powers and responsibilities.