What actions prompted John Quincy Adams to write the Monroe Doctrine?%0D%0A%0D%0A(1 point)%0D%0AResponses%0D%0A%0D%0Atariffs imposed on the United States by Latin American countries%0D%0Atariffs imposed on the United States by Latin American countries%0D%0A%0D%0Aseizure of Spanish forts in Florida by the United States%0D%0Aseizure of Spanish forts in Florida by the United States%0D%0A%0D%0ABritish settlements in the Pacific Coast territory%0D%0ABritish settlements in the Pacific Coast territory%0D%0A%0D%0Athreats from European powers to recover Latin American colonies

The correct responses are:

- Threats from European powers to recover Latin American colonies.
- Seizure of Spanish forts in Florida by the United States.
- British settlements in the Pacific Coast territory.

The actions that prompted John Quincy Adams to write the Monroe Doctrine include:

1. Tariffs imposed on the United States by Latin American countries.
2. Seizure of Spanish forts in Florida by the United States.
3. British settlements in the Pacific Coast territory.
4. Threats from European powers to recover Latin American colonies.

The actions that prompted John Quincy Adams to write the Monroe Doctrine were the threats from European powers to recover Latin American colonies.

To understand this, we need to briefly analyze the historical context. During the early 19th century, many Latin American countries had gained independence from Spain, and they were at a vulnerable stage. European powers, especially Spain, were considering re-establishing control over these former colonies. This raised concerns among the United States, as they viewed such European interference as a threat to their interests in the Western Hemisphere.

To respond to these threats, John Quincy Adams, who served as Secretary of State under President James Monroe, drafted the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was a policy statement that warned European powers to stay out of the affairs of the newly independent nations in the Americas. It stated that any European attempt to colonize or interfere with countries in the Western Hemisphere would be seen as a hostile act towards the United States.

The key action that prompted John Quincy Adams to write the Monroe Doctrine was the threats from European powers to recover Latin American colonies. By issuing this doctrine, Adams aimed to protect the sovereignty and independence of the newly formed Latin American nations and also safeguard American interests in the Western Hemisphere. Overall, the Monroe Doctrine was a significant step in asserting American influence and shaping the future of the Americas.