Read the following excerpt from the Fifteenth Amendment:

“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not
be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State
on account of race, color, or previous condition of

a Describe how this law attempted to reconcile the
discrepancy between American ideals and public policy.

b Large numbers of people march on Washington for the
passage of laws.

c Congress passes a law to ensure all people have the
right to vote.
d The NAACP lobbies Congress for passage of a right-tovote law.
The Supreme Court addresses the Fifteenth
Amendment’s constitutionality.

a) This law attempted to reconcile the discrepancy between American ideals and public policy by explicitly stating that the right to vote cannot be denied or abridged based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude. It aimed to ensure that all citizens, regardless of race or previous enslavement, were guaranteed the right to vote, aligning with the American ideal of equality and equal representation.

c) Congress passes a law to ensure all people have the right to vote. This answer is incorrect because the Fifteenth Amendment itself was the law passed by Congress to ensure that the right to vote is not denied or abridged based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

d) The NAACP lobbies Congress for passage of a right-to-vote law. This answer is also incorrect because the NAACP was not founded until 1909, several decades after the Fifteenth Amendment was passed in 1870. The NAACP did advocate for civil rights and voting rights, but they did not specifically lobby for the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment.

The correct answer is:

The Supreme Court addresses the Fifteenth Amendment’s constitutionality. This answer is correct because the Supreme Court has addressed the constitutionality of the Fifteenth Amendment in various cases throughout history. These cases have helped interpret and clarify the scope and application of the amendment in ensuring the right to vote for all citizens, regardless of race.

a. The Fifteenth Amendment attempted to reconcile the discrepancy between American ideals and public policy by explicitly addressing the issue of voter discrimination based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude. The amendment aimed to align American ideals, such as equality and democracy, with public policy by guaranteeing that no citizen's right to vote would be denied or abridged on the mentioned grounds. This attempt to eliminate racial discrimination in voting was a step towards ensuring that American citizens could exercise their right to vote without facing discriminatory practices.

b. The option "Large numbers of people march on Washington for the passage of laws" is not directly related to the Fifteenth Amendment. Although public demonstrations and protests can be effective in advocating for legislative change, it is not specifically mentioned in relation to the Fifteenth Amendment in the provided excerpt.

c. Similarly, the option "Congress passes a law to ensure all people have the right to vote" is not directly linked to the Fifteenth Amendment. While the Fifteenth Amendment was indeed passed by Congress, it specifically addresses the prohibition of voter discrimination, rather than explicitly ensuring the right to vote for all people.

d. The option "The NAACP lobbies Congress for passage of a right-to-vote law" is more aligned with the process through which the Fifteenth Amendment was achieved. The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) played a significant role in advocating for civil rights, including voting rights, for African Americans. While the NAACP may have lobbied Congress for the passage of a right-to-vote law, the specific mention of the NAACP or the lobbying process is not provided in the excerpt.

e. The option "The Supreme Court addresses the Fifteenth Amendment’s constitutionality" is not mentioned in the provided excerpt. The role of the Supreme Court in addressing the constitutionality of the Fifteenth Amendment's provisions would typically come into play if a legal challenge or court case arose regarding the interpretation or application of the amendment. However, no such mention is made in the given information.

a) The Fifteenth Amendment attempted to reconcile the discrepancy between American ideals and public policy by enshrining the right to vote for all citizens, regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. This amendment aimed to ensure that the American value of equality was reflected in public policy, specifically in the realm of voting rights.

b) Large numbers of people marching on Washington for the passage of laws is not directly mentioned or connected to the Fifteenth Amendment in the provided excerpt. While public pressure and activism can play a role in the creation or amendment of laws, this specific action is not mentioned in relation to the Fifteenth Amendment in the given information.

c) It is not explicitly stated in the excerpt that Congress passes a law to ensure all people have the right to vote. The excerpt only focuses on the content and purpose of the Fifteenth Amendment itself, which prohibits the denial or abridgment of voting rights based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

d) The NAACP lobbying Congress for the passage of a right-to-vote law is not mentioned in the provided excerpt. The excerpt only states the content and purpose of the Fifteenth Amendment without mentioning any specific lobbying efforts.

The Supreme Court addressing the Fifteenth Amendment's constitutionality is not mentioned in the provided excerpt. The focus of the excerpt is solely on the language and purpose of the amendment itself, not on any subsequent legal interpretations or challenges.