in the news ela, "Edgar Alan Poe" Write a short paragraph that explains the central idea of the article. Use at least two details from the article to support your response.

The central idea of the article on "Edgar Allan Poe" in the news ELA is the lasting influence and mysterious persona of the renowned American author. In the article, it is stated that Poe's works continue to captivate readers centuries after his death, especially with his dark and suspenseful storytelling style. Furthermore, the article mentions how Poe's personal life, filled with tragedy and enigma, adds to his allure and fascination. These details highlight the central idea that Edgar Allan Poe's literary genius and intriguing personal history contribute to his enduring popularity and iconic status.

The article about Edgar Allan Poe discusses his enduring influence on literature and his impact on the horror genre. The central idea can be summarized as the lasting legacy of Poe's dark and mysterious writings, which continue to captivate readers and inspire contemporary authors. One detail that supports this idea is the mention of numerous adaptations of Poe's works in popular culture, such as films, TV shows, and music. This demonstrates how his stories and themes remain relevant and influential even in modern times. Additionally, the article notes how Poe's exploration of psychological and emotional depths influenced the development of the horror genre, with his focus on psychological terror becoming a defining characteristic of his work. These details provide evidence of Poe's enduring impact on literature and his lasting presence in popular culture.

To write a short paragraph explaining the central idea of the news article about Edgar Allan Poe, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the article: Begin by thoroughly reading the news article about Edgar Allan Poe. Take note of any important details that stand out or seem crucial to understanding the central idea.

2. Identify the central idea: Based on your reading, determine the main message or theme that the article is trying to convey. Look for any recurring ideas or arguments made throughout the article.

3. Choose supporting details: Select at least two specific details from the article that support the central idea you have identified. These details should be relevant and tie directly to the main message of the article.

4. Compose the paragraph: Now, write a paragraph that clearly states the central idea of the article and uses the chosen details to support your response. Be sure to use proper sentence structure and clear language.

Remember to cite the sources or provide proper attribution for any quotes or paraphrased information used from the article.

Once you have completed these steps, you will have a well-structured paragraph that explains the central idea of the news article about Edgar Allan Poe, supported by two relevant details from the article.