Which of the following is an example used to connect ideas that would be found in an informative text about volcanoes

One example used to connect ideas in an informative text about volcanoes could be the sequence of volcano formation, eruption processes, and volcanic hazards. This example could show the relationship between the various stages of a volcano's life cycle and how each stage leads to the next, as well as the potential risks and dangers associated with volcanic activity.

One common example used to connect ideas in an informative text about volcanoes is the process of volcanic eruption.

To find an example used to connect ideas in an informative text about volcanoes, you would typically need to read the text itself. However, I can provide you with a general example of a connecting idea that could be found in such a text.

An example of a connecting idea in an informative text about volcanoes could be the concept of tectonic plate movement. The text may explain how the movement of tectonic plates on the Earth's surface is one of the primary causes of volcanoes. It could then proceed to elaborate on how the movement of these plates triggers the formation of magma chambers beneath the Earth's crust, leading to volcanic eruptions.

This example demonstrates how the concept of tectonic plate movement is used to connect ideas in an informative text about volcanoes. It serves as a link between the cause (tectonic plate movement) and the effect (volcanic activity), helping readers understand the underlying processes involved in volcano formation and eruption.