Indira is cooking a large portion of chana masala for a family dinner. The recipe calls for 3 cups of soaked chickpeas for every 1.5 cups of water. This recipe makes 4 servings. If Indira plans to make 15 servings, how many cups of soaked chickpeas are required?

Since the recipe makes 4 servings with 3 cups of soaked chickpeas, there are 3/4 = <<3/4=0.75>>0.75 cup of soaked chickpeas per serving.

For 15 servings, 15*0.75 = <<15*0.75=11.25>>11.25 cups of soaked chickpeas are required. Answer: \boxed{11.25}.

To calculate the number of cups of soaked chickpeas required for 15 servings of chana masala, we need to find the conversion factor for servings.

Given that the recipe makes 4 servings, we can set up a proportion to find the conversion factor:

4 servings = 3 cups of soaked chickpeas
15 servings = x cups of soaked chickpeas

To find the value of x, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

4 * x = 15 * 3
4x = 45
x = 45 / 4
x = 11.25

Therefore, for 15 servings of chana masala, Indira would require approximately 11.25 cups of soaked chickpeas.

To calculate the number of cups of soaked chickpeas required for 15 servings, we first need to determine the ratio of servings to the amount of soaked chickpeas used in the recipe.

Given that the original recipe calls for 4 servings with 3 cups of soaked chickpeas, we can set up a ratio:

4 servings / 3 cups = 15 servings / x cups

Cross-multiplying, we get:

4x = 3 * 15


4x = 45

Dividing both sides by 4, we find:

x = 45 / 4

Therefore, Indira will need approximately 11.25 cups of soaked chickpeas to make 15 servings of chana masala.

Some doctors recommend that you drink three quarters of an ounce of water for every pound that you weigh. How much water should a 145-pound person drink? Round the answer to the nearest hundredth.

To calculate the amount of water a person should drink based on their weight, we need to multiply their weight in pounds by the conversion factor of 0.75 ounces of water per pound.

For a 145-pound person:
Water to drink = 145 pounds * 0.75 ounces/pound

Water to drink = 108.75 ounces

Rounded to the nearest hundredth, a 145-pound person should drink approximately 108.75 ounces of water.

Which fraction is a unit rate you can use to solve a ratio problem?

1. 3/4
2. 27/1
3. 1/27
4. 7/5

In a ratio problem, a unit rate represents the value of 1 unit of one quantity in relation to 1 unit of another quantity. To determine which fraction is a unit rate, we need to find a fraction where the numerator represents 1 unit.

Out of the given fractions, the fraction that can serve as a unit rate is 2. 27/1.

This fraction indicates that for every 1 unit of the first quantity, there are 27 units of the second quantity. It provides the ratio of the two quantities in terms of 1 unit each.

Which fraction is a unit rate you can use to solve a ratio problem?

A. 3/4
B. 27/1
C. 1/27
D. 7/5

To determine which fraction is a unit rate, we need to find the fraction where the numerator represents 1 unit.

Out of the given options, the fraction that represents a unit rate is B. 27/1.

This fraction indicates that for every 1 unit of the first quantity, there are 27 units of the second quantity. It provides the ratio of the two quantities in terms of 1 unit each.

thanks bot they were correct :)