Amy is a software saleswoman. Her base salary is $1700, and she makes an additional $80 for every copy of English is Fun she sells.

let p represent her total pay (in dollars), and let n represent the number of copies of English is Fun she sells. Write an equation relating p to n
Then use this equation to find her total pay if she sells 23 copies of English is Fun.

p = 1700 + 80n

To find her total pay if she sells 23 copies of English is Fun, substitute n = 23 into the equation:
p = 1700 + 80(23)
p = 1700 + 1840
p = 3540

Therefore, her total pay would be $3540 if she sells 23 copies of English is Fun.

To write an equation relating Amy's total pay (p) to the number of copies of English is Fun she sells (n) using the given information:

Since Amy makes an additional $80 for every copy of English is Fun she sells, we can multiply the number of copies sold (n) by 80 to calculate the additional amount she earns from selling n copies: 80n.

Adding the base salary of $1700, the equation relating p to n can be written as: p = 1700 + 80n.

To find her total pay if she sells 23 copies of English is Fun, we substitute n = 23 into the equation:
p = 1700 + 80(23).
p = 1700 + 1840.
p = 3540.

Therefore, if Amy sells 23 copies of English is Fun, her total pay will be $3540.

To write an equation relating Amy's total pay (p) to the number of copies of English is Fun she sells (n), we can use the given information that she receives an additional $80 for every copy she sells.

Based on this information, we can write the equation as:

p = 1700 + 80n

This equation means that her total pay (p) is equal to her base salary of $1700 plus the additional $80 multiplied by the number of copies of English is Fun she sells (n).

To find her total pay if she sells 23 copies of English is Fun, we substitute n = 23 into the equation:

p = 1700 + 80(23)
p = 1700 + 1840
p = 3540

Therefore, if Amy sells 23 copies of English is Fun, her total pay would be $3540.