1.4335 x 10^9 / 1.496 X 10^8 =

(scientific notation btw)

9.5788 x 10


Sorry, there seems to be a typo in your question. Could you please provide the correct values for the division?

To divide numbers in scientific notation, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the two numbers without considering the exponent.
1.4335 / 1.496 = 0.958

Step 2: Multiply the two exponents by -1 and subtract them.
10^9 / 10^8 = 10^(9-8) = 10^1 = 10

Step 3: Combine the quotient from step 1 and the exponent from step 2.
0.958 x 10^10

Therefore, 1.4335 x 10^9 / 1.496 x 10^8 = 0.958 x 10^10.

To divide two numbers in scientific notation, you follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the coefficients (the numbers before the "x") of the two numbers.
In this case, you need to divide 1.4335 by 1.496, which equals approximately 0.957.

Step 2: Divide the exponents (the numbers after the caret "^") of the two numbers.
In this case, you need to divide 10^9 by 10^8, which equals 10^(9-8), which simplifies to 10^1.

Step 3: Put the results from step 1 and step 2 together and write the answer in scientific notation.
The coefficient is approximately 0.957, and the exponent is 10^1. Therefore, the answer is approximately 0.957 x 10^1, or simply 9.57 in regular decimal notation.