Name the solvent that extract gold from gold solution

One common solvent used to extract gold from a gold solution is cyanide. Other solvents that may be used include aqua regia, thiourea, and sulfuric acid.

One commonly used solvent for extracting gold from a gold solution is cyanide. The process, known as gold cyanidation or the cyanide process, involves dissolving gold from its ore or concentrate in a solution of sodium cyanide or potassium cyanide. This forms a soluble complex called gold cyanide, which can be readily separated and recovered from the solution.

The solvent typically used to extract gold from a gold solution is a chemical called "Aqua Regia." Aqua Regia is a mixture of concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) in a specific ratio.

To extract gold from a gold solution using Aqua Regia, follow these steps:

1. Prepare Aqua Regia: Mix one part concentrated nitric acid with three parts concentrated hydrochloric acid. Be cautious while handling these acids, as they are highly corrosive and can cause severe burns. Ensure proper ventilation or work in a fume hood.

2. Add the Gold Solution: Carefully add the gold solution into a glass container or flask. Make sure to wear protective gloves and eyewear for safety.

3. Add Aqua Regia: Slowly add the prepared Aqua Regia solution to the gold solution. In this step, Aqua Regia reacts with the gold present in the solution, forming soluble gold chloride complexes.

4. Stir and Heat: Gently stir the mixture and, if necessary, provide mild heat using a heat source like a hot plate. Heating accelerates the reaction process, making the gold extraction more efficient.

5. Complete Reaction: Allow the solution to react for a sufficient period of time, usually between 30 minutes to several hours, to ensure maximum extraction of gold.

6. Recovery: After the extraction process is complete, the gold can be recovered from the solution by various methods such as precipitation or using reducing agents.

It is important to note that extracting gold from gold solutions using Aqua Regia should only be performed by trained professionals or individuals with appropriate knowledge and expertise in handling hazardous chemicals.