An entrepreneur organizes __________ for production.(1 point)

Responses which 1 is the correct answer

raw materials
raw materials

capital and resources
capital and resources

skills and machinery
skills and machinery

new ideas

The correct answer is:

capital and resources

To organize for production, an entrepreneur typically needs to consider several factors like raw materials, capital and resources, skills and machinery, as well as new ideas. However, if you are looking for a single correct answer, "raw materials" is the most specific and appropriate choice.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options:

1. Raw materials: While an entrepreneur does need to gather raw materials for production, they primarily focus on organizing the production process itself rather than directly acquiring the materials. Therefore, this option is not the correct answer.

2. Capital and resources: Entrepreneurs certainly need to organize capital (funds) and resources (such as materials, equipment, and facilities) to establish and manage production. This option aligns with the role of an entrepreneur in organizing production, so it can be considered as the correct answer.

3. Skills and machinery: Skills and machinery are essential elements in the production process. However, an entrepreneur's primary role is to organize and coordinate these resources, rather than solely being responsible for their acquisition. Thus, this option is not the best answer.

4. New ideas: While entrepreneurs do need to generate new ideas for business ventures, this option does not specifically address the organization of production. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer would be: Capital and resources.