Because of its location, who is Canada’s largest trading partner?(1 point)



Unites States
Unites States



United States

Canada's largest trading partner is the United States.

To find out who Canada's largest trading partner is, we can analyze the trade data and identify the country with which Canada has the highest volume of trade. One reliable source to obtain this information is Statistics Canada, which provides comprehensive data on international trade.

To access this information, follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website of Statistics Canada at
2. On the homepage, navigate to the "Subjects" tab located in the top menu.
3. From the drop-down menu, select "Trade."
4. On the "Trade" page, you will find various options related to trade statistics. Go to the subsection titled "International merchandise trade."
5. Under the "International merchandise trade" section, click on "Monthly" or "Quarterly" trade data, depending on your preference and the availability of the data.
6. This will lead you to the data tables for Canadian international merchandise trade.
7. Look for the section or table that provides information on Canada's top trading partners. The specific table may vary depending on the chosen timeframe or type of goods being traded.
8. The table will display the countries with which Canada trades the most, typically based on the total value of imports and exports.

Based on recent data available, Canada's largest trading partner is the United States. The vast majority of Canada's exports and imports are with the United States, making it an essential trade partner for Canada.