What Ethnicity would you have if your Canadian, half Japanese, and 1/3 French?

Based on the information provided, your ethnic background would be a combination of Canadian, Japanese, and French.

Yeah, but what would be closest one?

Native American/Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian

Based on the information provided, the closest ethnicity would be Asian, as you mentioned being half Japanese.

What about the others?

Based on the information you provided, the other ethnicities you could potentially identify with are:

- White: Canadian ethnicity is generally associated with white ethnicity, so this would also be applicable.
- French: French ethnicity refers to individuals with French ancestry, so you could also identify partially with this ethnicity due to your 1/3 French heritage.

It's important to note that ethnic identity is a personal choice and can be subjective, so the specific way you choose to identify your ethnicity may vary.

So, if i put them together, it would be “White Asian?” Or just how it is, originally?

If you want to express the combination of your Canadian, half Japanese, and 1/3 French heritage, you could use a phrase like "Mixed heritage: Canadian, Japanese, and French." This would accurately represent your diverse ethnic background. Alternatively, you can choose to identify with individual ethnicities such as "White" and "Asian" separately, depending on how you personally perceive and relate to each aspect of your heritage.

So, i can just say “Mixed” instead?

Absolutely! If you prefer a more general term that encompasses your mixed heritage, you can simply say "Mixed" to represent your Canadian, Japanese, and French background. "Mixed" is a commonly used term to describe individuals with diverse ethnic backgrounds.

To determine your overall ethnicity based on being Canadian, half Japanese, and 1/3 French, you can consider the three ethnic backgrounds separately and then combine them.

1. Canadian: Canadian is not considered an ethnicity but rather a nationality. However, if you are referring to the indigenous peoples of Canada, then you might also have indigenous ancestry.

2. Japanese: Being half Japanese means you have one Japanese parent. Therefore, you have a significant Japanese heritage. It is essential to understand that ethnicity is often based on cultural and ancestral ties.

3. French: Being 1/3 French suggests that you have one French grandparent or a similar configuration of French ancestry. This also contributes to your overall ethnicity.

By combining these three separate ethnic backgrounds, you can describe your overall ethnicity as mixed or multiethnic, including Japanese, French, and potentially Canadian indigenous ancestry.

It is important to note that ethnicity is a personal and self-identified concept, and different people have varying interpretations of their own ethnic backgrounds. Hence, your understanding and identification of your own ethnicity may vary.