Which of the following statements about moving averages is true?

Group of answer choices, multiple possible answers

It can be used to smooth a series.

Given a data set with 15 yearly observations, a 5-year moving average will have fewer observations than a 3-year moving average.

Given a data set with 15 yearly observations, a 5-year moving average is smoother than a 3-year moving average.

None of the others

None of the given statements are true.

The statement that is true about moving averages is:

- It can be used to smooth a series.

To determine which of the statements about moving averages is true, let's break down each statement and analyze it:

1) "It can be used to smooth a series."
This statement is true. Moving averages are commonly used in time series analysis to smooth out fluctuations and highlight underlying trends. By calculating the average of a selected number of past data points, moving averages provide a more stable representation of the data and help remove short-term noise.

2) "Given a data set with 15 yearly observations, a 5-year moving average will have fewer observations than a 3-year moving average."
This statement is false. A moving average represents a rolling window of data points. The window size determines the number of observations included in the calculation. In this case, a 5-year moving average will include more observations than a 3-year moving average. Therefore, the statement is incorrect.

3) "Given a data set with 15 yearly observations, a 5-year moving average is smoother than a 3-year moving average."
This statement is true. Moving averages with longer window sizes tend to provide a smoother representation of the data. By incorporating more historical observations, the fluctuations in the series are averaged out, resulting in a smoother trend line. Therefore, a 5-year moving average will be smoother than a 3-year moving average.

Based on these analyses, the correct statement among the given options is: "Given a data set with 15 yearly observations, a 5-year moving average is smoother than a 3-year moving average."