Bot reword this as an 8th grader: Asexual reproduction does not use the fusion of gametes or change in the number of chromosomes. The offspring that come from asexual reproduction from a single cell or from a multicellular organism inherit the genes of that parent. So asexual reproduction is more beneficial.

In asexual reproduction, there's no mixing of gametes or chromosome changes. The offspring inherit genes from just one parent, whether it's a single cell or a multicellular organism. That's why asexual reproduction is considered more advantageous.

In simpler terms for an 8th grader:

Asexual reproduction is when living things make babies without needing to mix their special cells or change the number of their DNA parts. These babies get all their genes from just one parent, whether it's a single cell or a bigger creature with many cells. Asexual reproduction is cool because it has some advantages.

When organisms reproduce asexually, they don't need to mix their cells or change their number of chromosomes. The babies that are born through asexual reproduction, whether they come from a single cell or a many-celled organism, inherit all their genes from just one parent. This makes asexual reproduction more helpful.