Two STUDENTS sit together, reading.

STUDENT 2: Hey! How would you describe me?

STUDENT 1: Hmm, I’d say you're always affable. Never disagreeable or grouchy.

STUDENT 2: Affable? What’s that supposed to mean?

STUDENT 1: It just means that you’re always smiling and pleasant. Like I said, never disagreeable or grouchy.

STUDENT 2: Oh! I should have recognized the context clues. You followed up the word I didn’t know with the words that have the opposite meaning.

STUDENT 1: That’s right. I use context clues all the time when I’m reading. Here's an example from this novel. During the play, half the actors forgot their lines and the cardboard castle fell on the princess's head. It was a total catastrophe. What do you think catastrophe means?

STUDENT 2: Well, since the passage is about terrible things that happened in the play, I’m thinking that catastrophe means a total failure?

STUDENT 1: That’s right!

STUDENT 2: Got any other ones?

STUDENT 1: Actually, I was doing my math homework earlier and I came across this word problem. Only about seventy percent of the pens actually worked while the rest were defective. What context clues can help you figure out what the word defective means?

STUDENT 2: Hmm. Well, I think the context clue is actually worked. The rest of the pens aren’t doing that so defective must mean not working properly.

STUDENT 1: You got it! You're a context clue pro now!

STUDENT 2: I’ve always wanted to be one of those.

STUDENT 1: See? So affable.

summarize pls

In this conversation, Student 2 asks Student 1 to describe them. Student 1 uses the word "affable" and explains that it means always being pleasant and never grouchy. Student 2 realizes they can use context clues to understand unfamiliar words and gives examples from a novel and a math problem. Finally, Student 1 compliments Student 2 on their grasp of context clues.

In this conversation between two students, they discuss the concept of using context clues to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words. Student 2 asks Student 1 to describe them, and Student 1 uses the word "affable." Student 2 doesn't know the meaning of the word, but recognizes the context clues in Student 1's follow-up explanation to understand that it means being pleasant and not grouchy. Student 1 then gives an example from a novel where the word "catastrophe" is used, and Student 2 correctly infers its meaning from the context of the passage. Finally, Student 1 presents a word problem involving the word "defective," and Student 2 deduces its meaning by focusing on the context clue of the word "worked." The conversation ends with Student 1 praising Student 2 for becoming skilled at using context clues and Student 2 expressing their desire to continue improving in this area.

In this conversation, two students are sitting together reading. Student 2 asks Student 1 to describe them and Student 1 responds by calling them affable, meaning always smiling and pleasant. Student 2 asks for the definition of affable, and Student 1 explains it using context clues. They then discuss another example of using context clues, this time with the word catastrophe, where Student 2 correctly deduces that it means a total failure based on the passage. Finally, they discuss how context clues can also help understand the meaning of the word defective.