The pizza shop sells artwork by local artists. For each piece it sells, the shop receives a 15 percent commission. The most expensive piece it ever sold was priced at $225. Which expressions represent how much the shop received? Check all that apply.

225 – [(225)(0.15)]
225 – [(225)(0.85)]


The expression that represents how much the shop received is:


To calculate the amount the pizza shop received from selling a piece of artwork, we need to multiply the price of the artwork by the commission rate.

The commission rate is given as 15%, which can be written as a decimal as 0.15.

So, the correct expressions that represent how much the shop received are:

(225)(0.15) - This represents multiplying the price of the artwork ($225) by the commission rate (0.15).
(225)(0.85) - This represents multiplying the price of the artwork ($225) by (1 - commission rate), where (1 - 0.15) = 0.85.

Therefore, the correct expressions are:
