Increasing population sizes lead to increasing demand for food. Farmers use synthetic fertilizers to add necessary nutrients to the soil so crops can grow. What is the ultimate consequence of this fertilizer use?(1 point)


death of aquatic organisms
death of aquatic organisms

algal blooms grow rapidly
algal blooms grow rapidly

fertilizer runs off with rainwater
fertilizer runs off with rainwater

deoxygenated water bodies

Other possible ultimate consequences of fertilizer use include:

- soil degradation and nutrient imbalance
- groundwater contamination
- reduced biodiversity
- negative impact on human health through exposure to chemical residues

The ultimate consequence of fertilizer use is the death of aquatic organisms.

The ultimate consequence of fertilizer use is the death of aquatic organisms.

To understand this, we need to consider the process of fertilizer runoff. When farmers use synthetic fertilizers, they apply them to their crops, aiming to provide the necessary nutrients for their growth. However, not all of these nutrients are effectively absorbed by the plants. Some of them are washed away by rainwater, which carries the excess fertilizers into nearby water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and oceans.

Once in the water bodies, these excessive nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, can cause a phenomenon called eutrophication. Eutrophication is the excess nutrient enrichment of a body of water, leading to an overgrowth of algae and aquatic plants. As these algae and plants grow rapidly, they form dense clusters known as algal blooms.

As the algal blooms continue to grow, they can block sunlight from reaching other plants and organisms in the water, making it difficult for them to survive. Additionally, when these blooms eventually die and decompose, bacteria break down the organic matter and consume oxygen in the process. This leads to the depletion of oxygen levels in the water, resulting in deoxygenated water bodies.

The reduction of oxygen in the water harms various aquatic organisms such as fish, shellfish, and other invertebrates, which rely on oxygen to survive. Consequently, the death of these aquatic organisms is the ultimate consequence of fertilizer use and the subsequent eutrophication process.