Volcanoes Change Earth's Surface Quick Check

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Which best describes how volcanoes change the Earth’s surface?(1 point)

Volcanoes create new landmasses on the surface.
Volcanoes create new landmasses on the surface.

Volcanoes increase the temperature of the atmosphere every year.
Volcanoes increase the temperature of the atmosphere every year.

Volcanoes provide new habitat for species on Earth.
Volcanoes provide new habitat for species on Earth.

Volcanoes alter the gases available in the atmosphere slowly.

The correct answer is:

Volcanoes create new landmasses on the surface.

To answer this question, we need to understand how volcanoes change the Earth's surface. One way to find the answer is by using a reliable source, such as a textbook or an educational website.

You can start by searching for information about volcanoes and their impact on the Earth's surface. Look specifically for how volcanoes change the landscape and geology.

Once you find a credible source, read through the information to gather the relevant facts. Look for details about the effects of volcanic eruptions on the Earth's surface, such as the formation of new landmasses or changes in the composition of the atmosphere.

Based on the responses provided, select the option that aligns with the information you found during your research.

Volcanoes alter the gases available in the atmosphere slowly.