Question What step did the artist clearly use when drawing this image? (1 point) Responses two vanishing points two vanishing points only orthogonal lines only orthogonal lines imagery in the background larger than in the foreground imagery in the background larger than in the foreground imagery in the foreground lighter than in the background

The correct answer is two vanishing points.

The step that the artist clearly used when drawing this image is two vanishing points.

To understand how the artist drew the image and determine which step they clearly used, we need to analyze the given options. The two options provided are:

1. Two Vanishing Points
2. Only Orthogonal Lines

Let's break down each option to explain what they mean and how they can be used in drawing an image:

1. Two Vanishing Points: This technique is commonly used in perspective drawing. Vanishing points are points on the horizon line where parallel lines appear to converge or meet. By using two vanishing points in a drawing, the artist can create the illusion of depth and a realistic sense of space. This technique allows for a more three-dimensional representation of the subject.

2. Only Orthogonal Lines: Orthogonal lines are straight lines that are perpendicular to each other. They can be used to create a sense of structure, alignment, and perspective in a drawing. When the artist uses only orthogonal lines, they may be focusing on creating a more geometric and angular composition.

Based on the given options, it is not possible to determine which step the artist clearly used. The other options provided, such as "imagery in the background larger than in the foreground" and "imagery in the foreground lighter than in the background," are unrelated to the use of vanishing points or orthogonal lines in drawing.

To determine which step the artist used when drawing the image, it would be helpful to have more information or visual context. Additionally, understanding the subject matter, style, and techniques commonly used by the artist could provide further clues.