What is one way to avoid computer-related health problems? (1 point) Responses Always use a track pad instead of a mouse. Always use a track pad instead of a mouse. Position your computer so it faces a window. Position your computer so it faces a window. Look closely at the screen at all times to maintain your concentration level. Look closely at the screen at all times to maintain your concentration level. Take frequent breaks that include moving around and stretching. Take frequent breaks that include moving around and stretching.

Take frequent breaks that include moving around and stretching.

One way to avoid computer-related health problems is to take frequent breaks that include moving around and stretching.

One way to avoid computer-related health problems is to take frequent breaks that include moving around and stretching. Sitting in front of a computer for long periods of time can lead to problems such as eye strain, back and neck pain, and repetitive strain injuries. Taking regular breaks allows you to rest your eyes and gives your body a chance to move and stretch, which can help reduce the risk of these issues.

To implement this, it is recommended to follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away. This helps to relax the eye muscles and prevent eye strain. Additionally, it is beneficial to stand up and stretch every hour or so. You can take a short walk, do some stretching exercises, or perform simple movements to relieve tension and improve blood circulation.

It's important to note that using a trackpad instead of a mouse, positioning the computer facing a window, or maintaining constant close focus on the screen are not effective strategies for avoiding computer-related health problems. Rather, these suggestions can be subjective preferences and might not address the root causes of such issues.