What is most likely purpose for writing an explanatory article in third -person point a few that includes many facts and details about a topic

To persuade
To entertain the reader
To express an opinion
To inform

To inform

The most likely purpose for writing an explanatory article in third-person point of view that includes many facts and details about a topic is to inform the reader.

The most likely purpose for writing an explanatory article in third-person point of view that includes many facts and details about a topic is to inform the reader.

When writing in third-person point of view, the writer takes a more objective stance by not including personal opinions or biases. This allows them to present the information in a neutral and objective manner. The focus is on providing factual information, explaining concepts, and clarifying complex topics.

Including many facts and details further supports the purpose of informing. By presenting a comprehensive and well-researched article, the writer ensures that the reader gains a thorough understanding of the topic. They may use examples, statistics, and evidence to strengthen their explanations and provide a solid foundation for the information being presented.

While persuasive writing aims to convince the reader of a certain viewpoint, entertaining the reader focuses on engaging their emotions and providing enjoyment. Expressing an opinion, on the other hand, centers around the writer's subjective viewpoint. While these purposes have their own merits, they are not typically the goal when writing an explanatory article in third-person point of view.