2. Who was the leader of the Aztec Empire during the Spanish conquest? (1 point)

a Cortés

b. Montezuma II

c. Tenochtitlán

d. Mexico City

b. Montezuma II

The leader of the Aztec Empire during the Spanish conquest was b. Montezuma II.

The correct answer is b. Montezuma II. To arrive at this answer, you need to have some knowledge about the Aztec Empire and the Spanish conquest. If you are not aware of the specific answer, you can use various methods to find it. Here are a few steps you can take:

1. Conduct an internet search: Utilize search engines like Google and type in the question, "Who was the leader of the Aztec Empire during the Spanish conquest?" The top results will likely provide you with the correct answer.

2. Consult historical resources: Use books, articles, or reputable websites that discuss the Aztec Empire and the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Look for information about the leader of the Aztec Empire during this time period.

3. Ask an expert: If you have access to historians, history professors, or individuals knowledgeable about the topic, you can ask them directly for the answer.

By employing these methods, you will easily discover that the leader of the Aztec Empire during the Spanish conquest was Montezuma II.