Find the negative square root of 16.

The negative square root of 16 is -4.

To find the negative square root of 16, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the positive square root of 16.
The positive square root of 16 is 4. This is because 4 multiplied by itself (4 * 4) equals 16.

Step 2: Negate the positive square root.
To find the negative square root, we need to negate the positive square root. Negating a number means changing its sign to the opposite. So, we change the sign of 4 to (-4).

Therefore, the negative square root of 16 is -4.

To find the negative square root of 16, follow these steps:

Step 1: First, find the square root of 16, which is √16.
√16 = 4

Step 2: Since we want the negative square root, the answer is -4.

So, the negative square root of 16 is -4.