Keeping facial features in proportion means (1 point)

A. that you only use a ruler to determine how big the features are supposed to be.
B. that you keep the largest feature of the face closest to the viewer.
C. that you make one eye smaller to appear closer to you when the face is turned.
D. that you keep the size of the features in a logical relation to each other.

D. that you keep the size of the features in a logical relation to each other.

D. that you keep the size of the features in a logical relation to each other.

The correct answer is D. that you keep the size of the features in a logical relation to each other.

To keep facial features in proportion, it means that you maintain a balanced and harmonious relationship among the different elements of the face. This involves keeping the size of the features in relation to one another. For example, the eyes, nose, mouth, and other features should be in proportion to each other, creating a natural and realistic appearance.

To achieve proportion in facial features, artists and designers often use guidelines such as the "golden ratio" or the "rule of thirds." These principles help ensure that the size and placement of the facial features are visually pleasing and create a sense of balance.

It's important to note that using a ruler (option A) isn't necessary, as facial proportions tend to vary from person to person and can be influenced by various factors such as age, gender, and ethnicity. Additionally, options B and C are incorrect as they don't accurately describe the concept of proportion in facial features.