By what process does a prokaryotic cell reproduce?

binary fission
spontaneous generation


binary fission

The correct answer is c) binary fission.

To understand how a prokaryotic cell reproduces through binary fission, you need to know what binary fission is and how it occurs.

Binary fission is a form of asexual reproduction that prokaryotic cells (such as bacteria) use to reproduce and increase their population. Here's a step-by-step explanation of the process:

1. Replication: The first step in binary fission is the replication of the DNA within the prokaryotic cell. The circular DNA molecule in the cell's cytoplasm duplicates itself.

2. Elongation: As the DNA replicates, the cell starts to elongate and stretch out.

3. Cell wall and membrane formation: New cell wall and membrane materials are synthesized, extending from the middle of the cell and growing toward opposite ends.

4. Division: The cell membrane and cell wall inte or pinch inward, eventually dividing the cell into two identical daughter cells.

5. Separation: The two daughter cells separate completely, each containing a copy of the original DNA. Each cell goes on to grow and carry out its own functions independently.

Binary fission is a relatively simple and efficient process, allowing prokaryotes to rapidly reproduce and colonize a given environment. It does not involve the complex processes of mitosis or meiosis, which are involved in cell division in eukaryotic cells.

Therefore, the correct answer is c) binary fission.

A prokaryotic cell reproduces through a process called binary fission.