Dolores is trying to make a plan to help her better adopt healthy habits and do the right things for her body. What is something actionable and concrete that Dolores can do to create this plan?

a) redecorate her home
b) write down realistic goals
c) think about eating healthier
d) reward herself for thinking healthier

b) write down realistic goals

The most actionable and concrete step that Dolores can take to create a plan for adopting healthy habits is to write down realistic goals. This will provide her with a clear direction and help her stay focused on achieving specific objectives related to her health and well-being.

To create an actionable and concrete plan to adopt healthy habits, Dolores should consider option b) write down realistic goals. Writing down realistic goals can help Dolores set clear objectives and track her progress. Here's how Dolores can do this:

1. Start by identifying specific areas where she wants to improve her health, such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, or stress management.
2. Break down each area into smaller, achievable goals. For example, if Dolores wants to improve her nutrition, a specific goal could be to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
3. Make sure the goals are realistic and attainable. Dolores should set herself up for success by choosing goals that are challenging yet achievable within her current lifestyle and resources.
4. Write down the goals in a visible place, such as a journal, planner, or digital notes app, where she can easily refer back to them.
5. Create a timeline or schedule to keep track of her progress. Dolores can set target dates or frequencies for each goal to help her stay accountable and motivated.
6. Regularly review and update her goals as needed. Over time, Dolores may accomplish certain goals or realize that some need to be adjusted. It's important for her to adapt her plan accordingly.

By writing down realistic goals, Dolores can create a tangible plan that will guide her towards adopting healthy habits and doing the right things for her body.