List the six indirect object prounouns. Write a spanish sentence using one of those pronouns.

The six indirect object pronouns in Spanish are:

1. me (to/for me)
2. te (to/for you)
3. le (to/for him/her/you formal)
4. nos (to/for us)
5. os (to/for you all)
6. les (to/for them/you all)

Example sentence using an indirect object pronoun:
Ella me dijo que me enviaría el paquete. (She told me she would send me the package.)

The six indirect object pronouns in Spanish are:

1. me - me
2. te - you (informal)
3. le - him/her/you (formal)
4. nos - us
5. os - you all (informal)
6. les - them/you all (formal)

To write a Spanish sentence using one of these pronouns, let's use the pronoun "le".

Example sentence: Le di el regalo a mi mamá.
Translation: I gave the gift to my mom.

In this sentence, "le" is used as an indirect object pronoun replacing "a mi mamá" (to my mom). It indicates that the action of giving the gift is directed towards the person represented by "le", in this case, it could be translated as "to her".

The six indirect object pronouns in Spanish are:

1. Me (to/for me)
2. Te (to/for you)
3. Le (to/for him/her/you formal)
4. Nos (to/for us)
5. Os (to/for you all)
6. Les (to/for them/you all formal)

Example sentence: Le dije que le enviaría el regalo. (I told him/her that I would send him/her the gift.)

can you make another

Certainly! Another example sentence using an indirect object pronoun:

Me prestó su bicicleta.
(He/she lent me his/her bike.)

In this sentence, "me" is the indirect object pronoun indicating that the action of lending is directed towards the speaker (me).