They get spanked with the strap

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If someone is being spanked with a strap, here are some steps that can be involved:

1. Preparing the strap: The person administering the spanking may start by selecting a suitable strap. This might involve choosing one made of a suitable material such as leather or another durable fabric.

2. Setting boundaries and consent: It is important that all parties involved in any form of physical discipline understand and agree to the boundaries and establish clear communication. This ensures that both parties are comfortable and consenting to the activity.

3. Positioning: The person receiving the spanking may be asked to assume a specific position, such as bending over a piece of furniture or lying down on their stomach. This positioning allows for the effective application of the strap.

4. Communication: Open communication is crucial during any form of physical discipline. The person administering the spanking may ask the person receiving it if they are ready or if they have any preferences for the intensity or duration of the spanking.

5. Administering the spanking: The person administering the spanking then applies the strap to the person's buttocks or another appropriate area. The intensity and frequency of the strikes may vary depending on individual preferences and agreed-upon boundaries.

6. Aftercare: After the spanking, it is important to provide aftercare. This can involve checking in with the person receiving the spanking to ensure their physical and emotional well-being. Offering comfort, reassurance, and gentle physical contact can be part of the aftercare process.

Note: It is important to emphasize that any form of physical discipline should be consensual and within legal and ethical boundaries. The information provided here assumes a consensual and agreed-upon activity between adults.