What is the result of converting 1500 yards into miles? Remember that 1 mile = 1760 yards.

To convert 1500 yards into miles, divide 1500 by 1760 (the number of yards in a mile):

1500 yards ÷ 1760 yards/mile = 0.852 miles

Therefore, 1500 yards is approximately equal to 0.852 miles.

To convert yards to miles, you need to divide the number of yards by the conversion factor, which is 1760 yards per mile.

In this case, you have 1500 yards. So, to convert it to miles, you would do the following calculation:

1500 yards ÷ 1760 yards/mile = 0.8522727272727273 miles

Therefore, 1500 yards is approximately equal to 0.85 miles.

To convert yards to miles, you need to divide the number of yards by the number of yards in a mile, which is 1760.

So, to convert 1500 yards to miles, you would divide 1500 by 1760.

Let me do the calculation for you:

1500 yards ÷ 1760 yards/mile = 0.852 miles

Therefore, 1500 yards is equal to approximately 0.852 miles.