Which of the following best explains the purpose of voter registration? (1 point)

• It helps to increase voter participation.
• It helps citizens to communicate with government officials.
• It helps citizens become informed about issues.
• It helps to prevent voter fraud in elections.

• It helps to prevent voter fraud in elections.

The purpose of voter registration is to help prevent voter fraud in elections.

To determine the best answer, let's go through each option and analyze the purpose of voter registration in relation to each of them:

1. It helps to increase voter participation:
Voter registration does have a link to voter participation. By requiring individuals to register before they can vote, it ensures that eligible citizens are actively engaged in the democratic process. Registering to vote helps establish a person's eligibility and provides an opportunity for them to exercise their right to vote.

2. It helps citizens to communicate with government officials:
While voter registration doesn't directly facilitate communication between citizens and government officials, being registered to vote allows individuals to have a say in electing representative officials who can then communicate citizens' concerns and interests to the government.

3. It helps citizens become informed about issues:
Voter registration itself doesn't directly contribute to citizens becoming informed about issues. However, once individuals are registered, they can participate in elections, engage in discussions, and access information to make informed decisions about the candidates and issues that are important to them.

4. It helps to prevent voter fraud in elections:
Preventing voter fraud is one of the significant purposes of voter registration. By verifying the identity and eligibility of voters, the registration process helps ensure that each vote cast is legitimate and that election results accurately represent the will of the people.

Considering these explanations, the option that best explains the purpose of voter registration is:
• It helps to prevent voter fraud in elections.

This answer aligns with the primary objective of voter registration, which is to maintain the integrity and fairness of the electoral process by ensuring that only eligible voters can participate.