which is the most accurate measurement of 1 mile? (remember, there are 1760 yards in a mile.)

1800 yards
2000 yards
1730.49 yards
1755 yards

The most accurate measurement of 1 mile is 1760 yards.

To determine which measurement is the most accurate representation of 1 mile, we need to compare the given options with the actual conversion of 1 mile, which is 1760 yards.

Let's evaluate each option:

1. 1800 yards: This measurement is greater than the actual conversion of 1 mile (1760 yards), so it is not the most accurate.

2. 2000 yards: Similar to the previous option, this measurement is also greater than the actual conversion of 1 mile, so it is not the most accurate.

3. 1730.49 yards: This measurement is less than the actual conversion of 1 mile (1760 yards), so it is not the most accurate.

4. 1755 yards: This measurement is very close to the actual conversion of 1 mile (1760 yards), making it the most accurate option among the given choices.

Therefore, the most accurate measurement of 1 mile among the options provided is 1755 yards.

The most accurate measurement of 1 mile is 1760 yards.