Shannon opened a savings account with $50 each week after that she deposits $8 into her account how many weeks dose it take her to save $450

To find out how many weeks it takes Shannon to save $450, we need to determine how much money she has in her account after each week.

After the first week: $50 (from the initial deposit)
After the second week: $50 + $8 = $58
After the third week: $58 + $8 = $66

We can observe that after each week, the amount in her account increases by $8. Therefore, the amount in her account after n weeks can be represented by the equation:

amount in account = 50 + (8 * (n - 1))

We need to find the value of n when the amount in her account reaches $450. So, we set up the equation:

450 = 50 + (8 * (n - 1))

Subtracting 50 from both sides, we get:

400 = 8 * (n - 1)

Dividing both sides by 8, we have:

50 = n - 1

Adding 1 to both sides:

n = 51

Therefore, it takes Shannon 51 weeks to save $450.

To determine how many weeks it takes for Shannon to save $450, we need to calculate how many weeks it takes for her weekly deposits to accumulate to $450.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. Shannon opens a savings account with $50.
2. After that, she deposits $8 into her account each week.

To find the number of weeks it takes her to save $450, we need to determine the total amount deposited and compare it to $450.

First, we need to find the total amount Shannon deposits each week, including her initial deposit of $50.

To find the weekly deposit amount, we add the initial deposit of $50 to the subsequent weekly deposit of $8:

$50 + $8 = $58

Now we know Shannon deposits $58 each week.

Next, we need to determine how many weeks it takes for the total amount deposited to reach or exceed $450.

To find the number of weeks, we divide $450 by the weekly deposit amount of $58:

$450 ÷ $58 ≈ 7.7586

Since we can't have a fraction of a week, we round up to the nearest whole number. Therefore, it takes Shannon approximately 8 weeks to save $450.

Thus, Shannon needs to save for approximately 8 weeks to accumulate $450 in her savings account.

To determine how many weeks it takes Shannon to save $450, we will calculate the total amount she saves each week and divide it by her savings goal.

Step 1: Calculate the total amount Shannon saves each week.
Shannon deposits $50 each week into her account.
After that, she also deposits $8 into her account.
Therefore, the total amount Shannon saves each week is $50 + $8 = $58.

Step 2: Divide Shannon's savings goal by the total amount she saves each week.
Shannon's savings goal is $450.
So, $450 / $58 = 7.7586.

Step 3: Round up the result to the nearest whole number.
Since Shannon cannot save a fraction of a week, we will round up the result from step 2 to the nearest whole number.
So, Shannon takes approximately 8 weeks to save $450.